Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rann-Thanagar Holy War #3 - DC

Again, I'm feeling a little let down by the artist this issue. I enjoy Ron Lim's pencils. I've followed his career all the way back to Ex-Mutants. But in this issue, it feels like he wasn't entirely there. A lot of the panels look like he just did some rough sketches and the inker, Rob Hunter, finished things. Ron's usual style doesn't come through . . on a lot of it. But, that being said, I still enjoyed the issue. I think it's fantastic that all of these cosmic heroes are coming together in the same place. Besides what you see on the cover, we've also got Starman, Bizarro, Hawkman and LEGION. I assume, eventually, we'll see more of the Omega Men, but right now Tigorr is thier only representative. Also, it's starting to seem that this whole confrontation is evolving around religious fervor . . from all sides. We got the Lady Styx movement on Rann. The Thanagarians are now enlisted in the Eternal Light Corporation Church. And this issue Deacon Dark brings back a religious icon . . or rather tyrant . . from the past, Synnar. Why does it seem like everything always comes down to politics or religion . . or both? Jim Starlin is constructing his usual grandiose space-opera here. Now, it seems, he has all the characters in place. Pretty soon everyone will start picking sides and fighting for what they believe to be the truth. It appears our group of star-bound heroes hear are going to be the only voices of reason. I hope they'll be able to be heard.

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