Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tiny Titans #4 - DC

I think this books cute. Some stuff I pick up just to see what it's like. And, obviously, this title is written with the younger readers in mind. But it's still cute. Somebody commented that the series is less enjoyable if you don't know the characters, or know or understand the history. I think that's a legitimate point. However, I really think that's because of our perspective. Meaning, me, as an older reader, knowing all the Teen Titan characters and their various relationships. But, I really don't think it's the same for the younger readers. Think back to some of the old Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam or Roadrunner cartoons. Not the ones they show now, but the old ones . . the ones from the 50's or 60's. The ones that they don't show in rotation any more because there's racial overtones, or sexual overtones, or jokes that aren't politically correct . . you know the one's I mean. Anyways, my point is, when we were watching them as kids . . we didn't know what all that underlying adult humor meant. That's not why we loved them. We loved them for the humor, and the slapstick comedy. Then when we saw them again, when we were a little bit older, we thought, or at least I did . . "Hey! I didn't realize how much adult stuff was in here that I didn't get before!" Now I'm not saying this is classic stuff, like those old cartoons, because . . it's not. Actually it's not anywhere close. But, what I'm trying to say it that I think the younger audience this is aimed for . . has a different perspective. And I think they'd find the cartoons funny without really knowing the history of the characters. Or even who they are. I can't imagine there's to many kids that will know what the Wildebeests are or their relationship to the Titans. But, as they're portrayed here, they'd probably think they're cute or funny. Now I could be wrong. I'll admit that. I could be completely off base for the way I'm thinking about this. You know how they claim that Marijuana is a "gateway" drug. Well, I think that these Johnny DC comics are great "gateway" books. Maybe that's a bad reference, but, you know what I mean. I think these books are a great way to show the kids some DC characters that maybe they don't know, interacting with some characters that they do know, and in the future, maybe, giving them some interest to try out other books. At least that's the way I look at it. But then . . I tend to be a "glass half full" kind of guy.

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