Saturday, May 24, 2008

the Amazing Spider-man #558 - Marvel

First of all, I can't believe that Barry Kitson is on board as the penciller this issue. That's fantastic! Also, Mark Farmer is doing his inks. I have to say, I really like what Gale, Guggenheim, Slott and Wells . . Spidey's braintrust . . is doing with this series. I like that each chapter is being treated like it's own separate mini-series, but they still have all these common threads running through them. It doesn't appear that there's going to be any new ones this chapter, but . . we're revisiting all the various ones that have been going on for the last couple of months. We get another look at Freak this issue. Dr. Connors and Spidey intend to go after him. They've theorized that if they catch him in his chrysalis state, that with some quick-lime they should be able to halt his reemergence. We also get a brief glimpse of 'ol JJ. He's finally been released from the hospital, but when he gets home he finds out that his wife has decided to keep her distance. At least until JJ calms down. We also look in again on the Mayoral race that's been going on. This issue we see Bill Hollister out campaigning, but, as is the trend, when they come out to politic . . so to does Menace. He and Spidey get into it over the crowd, but between Spidey's involvement and SWAT bearing down on them, Menace decides to take his leave . . as does Spider-man. Peter still thinks that Harry is involved in this whole Menace thing, but he hasn't really figured out how or why yet. However, at the end of this issue it appears that Harry's dragged himself in to the Freak problem. Dr. Connors and Spidey do find Freak, but he's already broken out of his shell. Peter tricks him in to dosing himself with the quick-lime, and he immediately goes back in to the Chrysalis. They believe that the NYPD has taken him for containment, but we find out at the end that it was actually as Oscorp truck disguised as NYPD. But what Harry plans on doing with this is anyone's guess. And of course we still have all the normal Peter Parker stuff worked in between all the cracks. His life, his job, Aunt May . . they're all still involved with all this. Like I said, I really like how they've approached this story-telling and the way they've kept all the various threads alive from story-arc to story-arc. It's quite an . . Amazing . . series! Pun intended.

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