Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Booster Gold #9 - DC

Ok, the only thing better than seeing Kevin Maquire's artwork in the recent issue of Batman Confidential . . is seeing all these old members of the Justice League International back together. It was all pretty cool. Plus, it was nice that they showed them as they are now . . more mature, and level headed. They could've just as easily reverted back to the goof-ball nature of their series. I'm glad they didn't. The nostalgia was in seeing them all together. But, the reality is, that as people, or heroes, they're all in different places now than they were at that time. I appreciated seeing the growth. And speaking of growth, the biggest thing that I really enjoy about this series is that we're getting to see Booster Gold in a completely different light than we ever had before. We're seeing that he's not necessarily the opportunistic goof-ball that he's always been portrayed as. We still see flashes and glimmers of it, but . . at the core . . we see that he's honestly a selfless hero that's doing what he can to make the world a better place. And right now? He's doing that . . literally. One . . because he has to. Two . . because, honestly, everything that's happening is his own fault. He got selfish and put saving his friend, Ted Kord, over the welfare of the world. Now . . he's paying the price. I really do enjoy this series. I've always been intrigued by the character, which, really, is why I started picking it up in the first place. But, as we've progressed in the story . . I have to take my hat off to Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz. They are doing an incredible job here. They've got this fantastic spider-web of stories interwoven here, and Booster just keeps getting himself further and further in to trouble. But it keeps happening while he's approaching things with the best of intentions. I'm also really enjoying the artwork of Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund. This is easily some of the best stuff I've seen from Dan . . ever! It really is a great book. Without a doubt it is in the top 10 of my list every month.

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