Monday, May 12, 2008

Justice League of America #20 - DC

I liked this book. I liked the story by Dwayne McDuffie. And I absolutely love the artwork by Ethan VanSciver. I only have one question. I know it's going to come across as a complaint, but really . . it's just how the book felt to me. I was wondering why this story wasn't just done as a one shot in the Flash title? I mean, honestly, it's just a quick one issue story. The Queen Bee is the protagonist, but between Wonder Woman and Flash, they make pretty short work of her. The crux of the story is mostly about Wonder Woman . .and by proxy the rest of the League . . but their concern over Wally's inability to live up to his responsibilities with the Justice League. They're not without sympathy, they understand that he's juggling a marriage and kids now, but . . he's a valuable member of the League, and if he can't be counted on . . maybe he should just quit. Anyways, most of the issue is spent explaining how Wally's powers work, and the effects on normal everyday stuff that he runs past, or over. And then, Wally, and Wonder Woman, spend time contemplating his future. Again . . why not just put it in the Flash title? Don't get me wrong . . I love this title. And any chance that we can get a chance to see Ethan's work . . is a pleasant surprise. I just got the feel that it was more of a Flash story that a Justice League story. That's all I'm sayin'. I still liked it, and I still think this is the best Justice League series yet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I never pick up JLA, but I love both WW and Flash. I picked this book up because it featured the two. I liked the back story of Flash's admiration for WW. I agree this story seems out of place, but I'm thinking it's a last minute filler book before JLA starts getting into Final Crisis crossover mode.

    Thanks for reviewing this. I'd be curious to know what you think of Titans #2.
