Friday, October 19, 2007

WetWorks #13 - WildStorm

I truly do like this book. I'm just not a huge fan of vampire stories. And truly, that seems like all we've been dealing with, with these characters. Now they're trying to fight all the vampires that have come to our world from Thea Mater. Remember? They had that big prison break. Well, they've joined up with the undead from our world, and have just served to make their number stronger. There's also a big part in here where Persephone . . or Red . . . has been talking to the current king of the vampires, Raithan. I'm not really sure what she's up to, but she's trying to get the woman, Eleusis, who claims she's the queen off the throne. Since Savoy died . . . permanently . . . she's been the pretender to the throne. And Red is afraid, " . . . the vampire nation is coming apart at the seams." Red is actually part of the royal blood-line, but she wants nothing to do with it. But I'm thinking she may be manipulated in to assuming that post. If nothing else, so whoever sets her up, knows where she is when they come to kill her. But that's just my guess. But Raithan has a surprise for Red. He's got Ab-Death down her with them, and he seems to be teaching, or tutoring some woman who he claims " . . is the key to the world's salvation." Meanwhile the vampires from Thea Mater have attacked the city where Dane, Mother One, and the military are. They lead them there, and now the whole city is a trap. I really do like these characters. And even with this . . undead . . story, I still like the book. I just wish they would hurry up and get past it all.

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