Saturday, October 27, 2007

Exiles #99 - Marvel

Is this it? The end of the Exiles? After 99 issues, they go out with a whimper, instead of a bang? Well . . . yes . . . and no. Next month we get a mini-series called "Die by the Sword", which from my understanding the Exiles will play a major part in. It features the Exiles and ExCalibur. There is going to be an issue #100. It'll wrap up a story-line from way back. Then there's going to be a 1-shot. And then, in January, we'll get the New Exiles title. It's going to be by Chris Claremont and Tom Grummett. So as they say, when one door closes, another door opens. There's a whole lot of Exiles in our future. Does anybody remember that this book came from the Ultraverse title by the same name? It really doesn't have anything to do with that book, but when Marvel bought them out, I guess they decided they wanted to use that team name. Good choice, as far as I'm concerned. Anyways, last issue, when the Fantastic Four story-line blew up in our characters faces, literally, our team members were scattered to the wind. Or I guess the correct phrase would be, scattered to the Omniverse. This issue we see where they landed, and a little bit about the world they're on. Unfortunately we end up losing one of our cast members this issue also. No! Nobody gets killed. Instead, Miguel, Spider-man 2099, has found peace and love and has decided to stay where he's at. Don't forget, Betsy Braddock and Kitty Pryde have joined our little entourage in the last couple issues. And this issue, Morph brings Rouge along from the world he got cast to. But, according to the website, the line-up is going to change yet again, before the first issue of New Exiles. It due out Jan. 16th, by the way. Remember, in this book, the only constant . . . is change!

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