Saturday, October 27, 2007

Action Comics #856 - DC

I explained last issue what all my complaints are about these Bizarro stories. Well . . it doesn't get any better this issue. Now don't get me wrong, I think Geoff Johns and Richard Donner did a great job with what they had to work with. There's a lot of really cool, and original ideas in this story. Which to me, weighs really heavy in my scoring of a story. But, unfortunately, the material they have to work with, specifically Bizarro and his newly formed Bizarro world . . . leave a lot to be desired. And really my biggest problem comes from the lack of continuity with any . . . and I mean past or present . . . but any Bizarro story. There's no defined structure to any of it. Maybe that's the point. But they don't talk the same, they don't act the same, and even their basic foundation and character changes with every storyline. How is that possible? It's still the same character. Anyways, with what they had to work with, I thought that Geoff and Richard did a good job. I also really like Eric Powell's artwork. It's moody. And the heavy lines and shadows fit the story perfectly. But this issue isn't the end of it. The citizens of Bizarro world are mad at their hero. So they get Bizarro-Lex to let loose his secret weapon on him. It's a Bizzaro-Doomsday. It distracts Bizarro long enough though that Superman can free Jonathon, whom Bizarro had abducted. And to save Bizarro from Doomsday, the Bizarro JLA show up. Interesting. But, a little to bizarre for me. And as the next issue blurb says, "Of course it doesn't make sense . . . it's a Bizarro story."

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