Saturday, October 27, 2007

Deathblow #7 - WildStorm

Well I'm glad to see that Carlos D'anda is back on the pencilling chores with this issue. I'm not sure what the deal was with the fill in the last couple of months, but . . we're back on track now. This story with the dogs is a little confusing though. Apparently their agency is called U.S. Not sure what it stands for though. And their nemesis is T.H.E.M. Again, no clue what that stands for. All I know is that the operatives for U.S., appear to be the dogs. And T.H.E.M. . . . . is the humans? This is where I'm a little fuzzy. Anyways, Deathblow is in the sewers fighting killer rats. I know. All rats are killers. But these rats . . . were specifically programmed to do so. And they have lasers . . . and bombs . . . and all kind of stuff. His fight is being monitored by . . . . someone . . . who decides to send in " . . the Mother Lode!". Shortly thereafter, a missle comes flying towards Cray. But it's kind of small, so he grabs ahold, and rides it out. At least until he can point it at a wall so it'll explode. But then something else comes through the wall. I thought the missle was the "Mother Lode". Apparently I was wrong. It's looks like the "Mother Lode" is a really nasty looking cyborg . . . dinosaur? Maybe I'm just lost because it's been a while since I read the last issue. But I really am a little clueless about what's going on. So I guess I can't really say whether I like the story or not. But . . . I do like the art. I think Carlos is an incredible talent. I just hope the next issue helps straighten me out. I guess, we'll see.

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