Friday, October 19, 2007

JLA / Hitman #1 DC

Well, Tommy Monaghan is back. So are the aliens from the Bloodlines incident. And fortunately, so is Garth Ennis and John McCrea. If we're going to see Hitman again, let's do him right. This one has to do with a shuttle that's lost it's way out in outer-space. Kyle goes out to check it out, but Batman doesn't like the readings that he's getting. He's getting some alien signatures that are much to close to the Bloodlines for his liking. He wants to quarantine it, to contain the problem and stop it from spreading. But, Superman and GL argue that there's living human beings on board, astronauts, that shouldn't be left to fend for themselves. They want to do everything they can to help them. Well their arguing is pretty moot, as soon the shuttle come careening towards the Watchtower, and crash lands on the moon. But these Bloodlines seem to be different. They know that when mixed with humans, they tend to give them super-powers. But, this time, when they land, everybody loses their powers. It's almost like it made them forget how to use them. "It's like the Flash said, I know I can snap the weapon like a twig . . . I simply can't remember how to. It's like now knowing how to take my next step." But the problem now is, if they're all losing their powers, what's going to happen to Superman, who went out in to the cold of space, to see if the astronauts needed any medical attention. Now he's out in the vacuum, with not powers. And that is our cliff-hanger ended. Overall it was a nice book. This one's only going to be 2 issues long, but that's ok. It's still nice to see Tommy back.

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