Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Countdown to Mystery #1 - DC

I liked this book. Especially the Justiniano art. Steve Gerber wrote the story. But really, this whole issue was basically a recap of what has come before. It went through the whole thing with Nabu and giving up his mantle. Then it touched upon all the recipients that handled the helmet in all the specials, Detective Chimp, Ibis, Sargon, Black Alice and Zauriel. And finally with Shazam! giving it the ole heave ho, and tossing it in to space. Apparently it went all the way to the source wall, and bounced back. It lands in a dumpster in Las Vegas, that happens to be where his buddies have just dumped Dr. Kent V Nelson. He a psychiatrist from Los Angeles. So then, when he puts in on, which he really only does to try to protect himself from the rain, we get a recap of everything that he's gone through in his life. Basically letting us know how he ended up in this dumpster in Las Vegas. Finally he's attacked by some kind of demon, I guess. The Helmet takes over, donning Kent in the garb of Doctor Fate, and tells him the spell to recite to take out the marauder. But his master is not very happy, and tells Kent, "That was a mistake Doctor. It would have killed you much more quickly than I will" The next story is called "The Devourer of Souls". Sounds pretty ominous. As far as the second story goes, I'm not sure if it's about the Spectre or about Eclipso. I'd have to assume Eclipso, because she starts to tell Plastic Man how she was rescued from her orbit around the sun. It was by a couple of Darkseid's stooges, and when she's brought to Apokolypse, he informs her that she originated from there, and that he created her. "You are now, have always bee, and forever shall be mine. I am Darkseid! And I am your lord and master!" What a revoltin' development.

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