Sunday, August 17, 2008

WildCATS #1 - WildStorm

While doing this blog, I have Seether's Gasoline playing on my computer, and then Saliva's Ladies and Gentleman. I have to tell you, if this were the soundtrack to this book . . it would give it a whole different feeling. I think that would be a good idea . . for the writers, or maybe even the artists, to list recommended listening while reading whatever book it is they're writing. That way the reader could get the same feeling for the book as the creators had when they were writing it. What do you think? I mean, Stephen King listens to AC/DC when he writes his books . . right? Anyways . . it's a thought. Maybe I'll do a survey. Anyways, I like the way this story is starting out. I'm sure with the first couple of issues of each book we're going to get the set-up for the group we're reading about. In this issue, we find out that the WildCATS are staying in LA. Of course they have the HALO Corp. building to live and work out of . . so they definitely have an advantage. But, on the other hand . . . they've also created a mighty big target . . when you think about it. Christos Gage is starting out of the gate running. He's assembled a lot of the usual characters here, but I'm sure there's also going to be some surprises coming up in future issues. We've seen in this issue already that Majestros has gone a little loopy already. At the end of this issue he's ready to take out Zealot and Nemesis. Of course, they're willing to return the favor also. Neil Googe does the art for this book and it's fantastic. I thought he was really coming along on the Tranquility series, but now . . it seems as if he's amped it up a notch. He's really doing an amazing job. But then, so is Trevor Hairsine who is drawing the Lynch back-up story. First of all I'm glad to see the WildCATS back in their own book. Secondly, I think this is going to be the perfect environment for them to operate out of. It's not perfect for the survivors of this world, but I think it'll be the perfect environment for the type of stories that really make this group shine. I'm excited about seeing where this book goes.

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