Saturday, August 30, 2008

Action Comics #868 - DC

Really, I'm not trying to sound like a broken record her, but Geoff Johns and Gary Frank are really doing some amazing things with this book. This time their focus is Brainiac. As it turns out, in all his various encounters with this guy, Superman has never actually come in to contact with the real Brainiac. As he states, when Superman comes on board his ship and finally awakens him, "I have not awoken in over three centuries. I have not ventured outside of my bio-shell in five. But I had to see this with my own eyes." It appears that his sole purpose is the acquisition of power. Which is why he destroys planets and entire universes . . to absorb that of it's inhabitants. When he took the city of Kandor, he assumed that the Kryptonian race was dead and gone. But now another has come to his attention . . . Superman. Through him, he's learned the location of Earth and of the other Kryptonian, Kara. As he's rather handily dispatching Superman, a vessel of Brainiac's is already in the air over Metropolis. Apparently he's chosen this city to be the next in his collection, and the planets citizens to add the next terabyte to his knowledge. That appears to be his sole purpose. Geoff has brought some of the older characters back with these story-arcs. These include Steve Lombard, Cat Grant and Ron Troupe. It's great to see them back, and it definitely livens up the scenes of the bullpen at the Daily Planet. Gary Frank has really impressed me with these story-arcs. The feel he's brought to the book is perfect. Right now I think this book is in the best place it's been . . ever! I think it's back among the ranks of being one of the best books on the stands.

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