Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hellblazer #246 - Vertigo

I like the way this issue wrapped up John's whole deal with Newcastle. Well . . wrapped it up is kind of vague, I guess . . John's stories, or adventures, are never truly 'wrapped up' which is what I think was the whole point of this particular story. Way back when . . when John was in Newcastle in the guise of a 'punk-rock' wanna-be, he was young and new to his special kind of magic. He had caused some trouble, and laid down some magic with his lyrics, simply because of the way he and his mates were treated. He just wanted a little 'justice' or pay-back, but at the time he wasn't of the mind to consider the consequences. And there were many. Long story short, what he did back then put a blight on this whole 'burg . . which seemed to be coming to a head. That always seems to be the case . . wherever he goes pain, and suffering seem to follow. Therefore, since he made it . . he's the only one that can un-make it. Which really seems to be his cast in life . . making messes . . or cleaning up old ones. I thought this was a great little fill-in story by Jason Aaron and Sean Murphy. We got to see John for the character that he is, plus . . we caught up with his past a little bit. I still think they should make another movie. Just find someone besides Keanu Reeves to play the lead. Please!

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