Saturday, August 09, 2008

Batman - Gotham After Midnight #3 - DC

We're seeing a plethora of Batman villains in this book. So far we've seen the Scarecrow, Manbat and now Clayface. But the real villain seems to be this as yet unidentified menace. He's the one that seems to be getting the regular rogues to stray from their usual MO a bit. We've seen the affect he's had on Scarecrow and Manbat, but this issue we actually see him talking to Clayface. I'm not sure if he has some type of mind control, or if he's just getting them to think about things a different way. This issue he convinces Clayface that if he absorbs the residents of Gotham into himself that he'll just continue to get bigger and stronger. I kind of think he has 2 motives. First of all it seems like he's just trying to spread chaos through Gotham, and maybe through that keep the Batman busy. Secondly, which I think is what he's really trying to do, he seems to be trying to divert attention away from himself. He's been going around murdering, what seems to be, a random list of victims. He kills them and then steals their heart. But I think we're going to find out that the list of victims isn't as random as we originally thought. Plus his acts, even through the haze of rogue violence, is still forming a pattern for Batman. Well, between the killings and the thefts of supernatural artifacts, I think Batman is already starting to put something together. I enjoy Steve Niles' stories. There's a lot of suspense and action and intrigue. But, I gotta say, the real star of this book is Kelley Jones. Kelley's pencils and frames are just amazing. Very Berni Wrightson-isque. If that's a word. If it isn't, it should be. I'm enjoying the series very much. And it's still early . . #3 out of 12 . . so we aren't going to be privy to the all of the antagonist's motives yet. In the meantime I'm enjoying the suspense and diggin' the art.

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