Saturday, July 07, 2007

X-23:Target X #6 - Marvel

Well . . . this is the last issue of the mini-series. But I really don't think this is the last we're going to see of Laura. Actually . . . I know it's not. This series really lays the groundwork for the time between the first mini . . . and when she joined the new X-men. It continues in the same form as it started, with Matt and Steve questioning her. Through this process, Laura has filled them in on pretty much her whole past. She even went in to the meeting with Logan. She wanted to kill him, but through the whole fighting and bonding process, she realizes, I think, that he isn't her real enemy. Yes they share the same DNA. But that's not really his fault. Hell, he didn't even know about it until she shows up and tries to kill him. Anyways, Matt and Steve work through the whole ordeal, and Steve decides that no matter how they feel about the stuff she's had to endure, she still has to answer for her crimes. Matt makes an impassioned plea for Steve to let her go, learn from her mistakes, and recommend that she goes to Xavier's school to learn a little discipline and restraint. But Steve's not hearing it. To him, things are still pretty black & white. But on his way back to SHIELD, he does have a change of heart. "The first time we met, I made a mistake and you ended up back in the hands of the people that made you a weapon. If I take you in now, new people will use you the same way the facility did and I can't let that happen . . . not again. I don't know if you can build a normal life after what you've been through, but I've got to let you try. Matt was right. Go to Logan, he'll know what to do." And from there . . . she goes and joins the New X-men. Fantastic story by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost. These two are turning out to be quite the writing team. And Mike Choi and Sonja Oback were just superb on the artist end of the process. The center spread of Logan and Laura going at it . . . is just beautiful. Then at the end of the book, we get to see some of Mike's sketch's of some of the covers. This guy is very talented. Like I said I know this won't be the last we see of her. She's in New X-men every month. But I bet she has a new mini before the end of the year. This is one fantastic character.

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