Tuesday, July 17, 2007

PainkillerJane - Episode 13 - The League - SciFi Channel

Like I said last time, I think the stories are starting to improve. We start out with what we think are Neuro's committing some crimes. We have a telekinetic one, and an invisible one. But 2 things surprise them. First when they go to apprehend them, they end up dead. Second, when they analyze them, they find out they're not Neuros. Long story short, the perps were all friends in High School. And one of them actually was a Neuro. He couldn't do anything special himself. But. . . he could give other people the ability to do things. That was his power. But as they drifted apart, he still kept tabs on them, only to find out they weren't using their powers to do good things as they had originally proposed. It seems that the powers were changing their personalities. So, not knowing how to stop them, the one that gave them their powers decides to take them out. That's the only way he can think of to end the cycle of violence. The problem ends up being that the one he gave the power of persuasion, is now a Congress-woman. She's going to be a little harder to get to. But Jane ends up coming up with a plan. Before she chips the guy, she has him give her the same persuasion powers. But amped up a little bit. They do end up getting the Congress-woman. But while they're performing tests on her, she kills herself. I guess Jane had him give her the powers, because unlike all the others who developed brain tumors from them, her body would heal itself before then. So she wouldn't get the tumor, but she also probably wouldn't keep the powers. A better story. But still underutilized the title character. They also make a reference during the show to Dynamite comics. You know. The publisher of . . . . Painkiller Jane. Anyways, I actually liked this episode. However, the other part . . . read my previous blogs . . . still aggravates me.

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