Saturday, July 07, 2007

Uncanny X-Men #487 - Marvel

The first couple of times I saw that Ed Brubaker was writing this book . . . I was a little leery. I know he'd been around for a while. I just didn't know if he could take on such a book as this. And do it justice. Well, I'm glad to say, my fears were unfounded. He's been able to weave some really nice stories on this title. And he definitely seems to have a handle on all the characters. Now on this particular issue, Salvador Larocca does all the artwork. It's stunning. When I first saw Salvador on Ghost Rider, I knew he was going to be a talent to be reckoned with. And since then he's done some amazing stuff. His work with Mark Texiera, on the current Ghost Rider is brilliant. But this book, what he puts out here, is even better. Without a doubt I would have to say this is some of his best work to date. Truly astounding. Last issue we wrapped up Fall & Rise of the Shi'ar Empire storyline. Well . . . as much as any storyline gets wrapped up on the X-men anyways. So this issue we start the Extremists storyline. Now I don't know for sure, but I have to assume that the Extemists are referring to the Morlocks that have gotten back together. Most have lost their power, but a few, such as Masque, who seems to be the pivotal character in this particular issue, still have their powers, or have developed a secondary mutation. We also have a couple other story-lines starting this issue. Such as, Professor X getting his powers back, Hepzibah trying to acclimate herself to her new surroundings and comrades, and James becoming an active member of the X-men again. There's a few other little things worked in, here and there, but it's a little to early to tell exactly which direction they may be going in. Plus, we're heading towards issue #500. I'm sure that'll be some big extravaganza. I mean if they put out 3 different covers for X-men #200, they surely have to have something special planned for this. And I'm sure we'll be guessing every step of the way.

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