Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ultimate X-Men #83 - Marvel

I have to start this off by saying I'm sorry. You all know I'm a huge Ultimate Universe fan. I've loved it since day one. And I'm continually impressed by the perceptive stories, and twists on conventional Marvel mythology. Also I'm a huge X-men geek. Have everything. Read everything. Love everything. But this book . . . I find it extremely boring. I don't know why. I mean there is stuff going on. Maybe it's because it doesn't seem that new to me. It almost seems like they're taking old storylines, rehashing them, moving a few characters about a bit, and passing it off as new stuff. I'm sure that's not the case. But it just seems so . . . I don't know . . . like it's been done before. We got the Morlocks. We got Jean being haunted by the gremlins, and on the verge of becoming the Phoenix. We got the whole rage against society thing with Allison. Betsy's in the story now. We have a new X-men team beginning to form, and they're setting up base in Australia. All pieces of the X-men puzzle from before. From the regular Marvel Universe. Oh yeah, and Peter is in a relationship, I think, with Jean Paul. This is the Ultimate Universe. Shake things up. The rules haven't been written yet. You're doing it as you go along. Why is there such a need to borrow from that which has gone before? Things don't have to be explained by the conventional means. The most original things I've seen so far is that Cable looks like a future version of Wolverine. That's an interesting twist. I just with there were more.

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