Saturday, July 07, 2007

Spawn #168 - Image

I did it again. Somehow I missed an issue of Spawn. I did it last month when I read #166. After posting it I realized that I hadn't gotten #165. Well, now again, I realize I haven't gotten #167. How weird! I don't know how I could've missed it at the shop. But I guess I have to get one next time I go. It just seems weird to me that it's happened twice now. Kind of a coinkidink. I think! Anyways, Spawn is going after the Clown. He's holed up int he New Vista Apartments. It seems there's this lady, Wilma, whom the police thought killed her boyfriend. Actually, we don't know how, he was stuck in the garbage chute. That was where he was during Spawn's transformation of the earth. You know, Armageddon? Anyways somehow that had a weird effect on him. At the same time, again due to Spawn's rebirth, the Clown was released from Jason Wynn's body. He needed a new home. So he found Barney, the boyfriend, stuck in the garbage chute. He inhabited him, got him out, and started terrorizing the apartment complex. Well actually, all he instructed them was, "Do what thou wilt." Then all of their creativity and depravity was let loose. So Spawn uses Wilma to catch Barney, who is actually the Clown, or the Violator, off guard. In her presence Barney tries to come back to the surface to talk to Wilma. It's then that Spawn reopens the gates to hell, and sends the Violator back down. But he looses Wilma in the process because Barney doesn't want to exist without her, and pulls her in with him. And then Spawn destroys the apartment complex. Apparently when Spawn recreated the Earth, he also brought back Sam & Twitch. Because they were in this whole issue. It was nice to see them again. It's been so long since they've been an active part of this book. And we haven't seen one of their issues in almost a year. Anyways, I'm going to have to go get #167 now. First so I don't have any gaps. But then so I can see the part of this story that I missed. It's always something. Isn't it?

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