Thursday, October 30, 2008

Spawn #184 - Image

This issue really . . is nothing more than a prelude for the next. This issue, I guess, wraps up the Mammon and Morana story-line. Well . . kind of. First of all, as I suspected, the old woman in the future . . the one Cyan is having visions of . . is . . Cyan. Anyways, in the future Nyx creates a binding spell that can contain Mammon and Morana. The old lady tells Cyan, and Cyan tells Nyx. Together the do what the Legion couldn't . . take the bad-guys down. Or at least bind them for all of eternity. That's when Al decides he knows what he has to do. He's not telling us . . but it begins next issue. First of all this is a fantastic cover by Brian Haberlin. Unfortunately, this is David Hine and Brian's final issue. These guys have really brought a lot to this book, and it's going to be really sad to see them go. However, on the bright side . . if there's ever a bright side of a story that deals with Heaven and Hell . . next issue Todd McFarlane and Whilce Portacio take over the creative chores. That's right Todd comes home to the baby that he created. Well . . that's not to say that he wasn't involved in the storys or creative process over the last few years, but . . now he's going to take a more active role . . the Ferryman, if you will. He's now going to be the master of his own . . or rather Al's, destiny. I have a feeling that things are going to get a lot worse before they get a lot better. I, for one . . can't wait. I'll see you on the other side.

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