Thursday, October 30, 2008

Secret Six #2 - DC

I love a good fight . . and Catman and Batman are two pretty evenly matched opponents. In the first issue we find out that someone . . a mysterious gang-lord whom we still don't know his identity . . has hired the Six to get Catalina Flores, the Tarantula, out of Alcatraz. He's after a card that she has in her possession. Actually it's a piece of metal about the size of a playing card. The problem is . . he also put a price on each of the Secret Six's heads . . 10 million a piece. All he asks is that he gets the card back before anyone is taken out. But at 10 million a piece . . every mercenary and hired gun from the East to the West coast is going to be gunning for them. And since Alcatraz is in California, and they're supposed to return the Tarantula to Gotham . . they're all going to have plenty of time to do the deed. I mean . . they know where they're at, and they know where they're going. How hard could it be to keep track of them? Which leads us to the fight between Catman and Batman. Batman thinks that he's taking the time to warn Catman, and save his life . . . maybe even spare Gotham the bloodshed that'll be following them back here. But, really, Catman is only trying to occupy Batman so that there's nothing he can do about their prison break. First of all I love the feel and the pace of this story. Plus all the humor that's sprinkled throughout. But that's Gail Simone's specialty, so . . I expected nothing less. Secondly I think this is a great cast of characters. I'm glad to see that we mostly have the same group from the first series. I guess it's good that they have 1 spot that's kind of a rotating character. It'll help to keep things fresh. Finally, I'm thrilled with Nicola Scott's pencils on this series. She is doing a tremendous job. I became a big fan when she was doing the Birds of Prey series, but I think she's even improved since then. Doug Hazlewood is doing the inks and I think their individual styles blend together, and compliment each other very well. It really seems like the perfect union. Every panel in this book looks fantastic. I can't wait to see the rest of this series.

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