Thursday, October 30, 2008

100 Bullets #96 - Vertigo

I can't believe that this series is almost over. How am I going to get my 100 Bullets fix every month. Especially now that this series and the Sopranos are finito. Not to mention, what will Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso be doing? They're both crazy talented, so I imagine that they probably already have gigs lined up. But, it just won't be the same. We've been following this series for almost 10 years now, but pretty soon . . it just won't be . . no more. However, unlike the Sopranos . . this series is going to go out with guns blazing and the wrath of god reigning down. It appears that Lono is on a mission to take out all of the Heads of the Houses, the Trust and most of the Minutemen. Although that'll be painting a mighty big target on himself. But I really don't think he cares. However, at the end of this issue, it's an ally that ends up shooting him in the face . . Benito. I think he's mad at Lono for what he's done to Dizzy. This was a fantastic issue. Non-stop action from cover to cover . . even if some of that action was just Graves and Lono yelling at each other over the cell-phone. We still have 4 issues left, so really . . anything can happen. But I think Lono's going to try to go for the whole she-bang . . the trifecta . . Graves, Agustus and Javier. The guys got balls . . I'll give him that much.

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