Thursday, October 09, 2008

Batgirl #3 - DC

I'm thrilled to death to see Casandra back in her own series. I thought her first outing was cut short, but I think it was more because of the creative aspect of the book than necessarily the character. However, she has remained an active part of the Batman family since then, so maybe the series was just going to be contradictory to the exploits she's had in the interim. Whatever the reason, I liked it and wish that it hadn't have ended. This series is brought to us by Adam Beechen and J Calafiore. I'm a big fan of the art. I think he draws some great action sequences . . his framing and flow is impeccable. I've also become a fan of Adam's stories in the last few years. In this series he's got Cassandra going after Cain and Slade . . Deathstroke. One or the other would be a monumental task for anyone, but both . . only Cassandra has the skill-set, or unpredictability to have a chance at accomplishing this goal. However, she has picked up some allies along the way . . . tentative, but still allies. It started out with Batgirl, who keeps tabs on Cain and his endeavors, finding out that he was creating an army of girls much in the same manner as he did her. From there she learned that Slade was also involved. As she's going around trying to find the various 'cells' of his operation, she comes across Marque who seems to be on the same task. Her history is very similar to Batgirl's, but she never had the calming influence of the Batman family. Now Ravager, who's found out that someone else was after her father, has also become involved. "Listen Batgirl, I know you think he's yours to take down, since he messed you up . . but he's not. Slade's mine! This isn't about any beef you and me have. Slade's my dad, so he's my get. I've been using every spare second away from the Titans to track him . . and that track's led right to you." From there they reluctantly decide to work together and go after his organization. However, it looks like 'Daddy' is only a few steps behind. It looks like they may be coming face to face with their prey next issue. I do have a question though. How does this fit in with the time-line for Last Will and Testament? In that book Geo-Force fatally wounded Slade . . so, I assume this takes place before that? I'm just wondering. Anyways, I thought this was a good book and I'm really enjoying the series. Could we make it a permanent one?

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