Friday, October 17, 2008

the Ultimates 3 - #5 - Marvel

The little picture on the right is what the actual fold-out cover looks like. It's 3 panels. But this picture is so small, I wanted to get a better picture so you can see what the actual art looks like. The alternate cover is an image of what actually has taken place in this book. Apparently, through this whole mini-series, we haven't actually been dealing with the actual Ultimates, but rather replacement robots that were built and substituted by Ultron. Hank and Jan have shrunk down and are hiding in Tony's mansion, spying on Ultron, which is how we learn about his whole master plan. Basically, we don't know for sure, but we're assuming that somehow Wanda changed his programming a bit . . he ends up falling in love with her. He was also the one that shot her when he thought that he would never be able to have her because of Pietro. Anyways, long story short, everybody ends up in the Savage Land and that's where the whole plan of Ultron's comes apart . . mostly because of Magneto. He's really pissed because both his kids are dead now. You know how Hawkeye has this death wish? Well Magneto is prattling on and on and he just wants him to shut up. So he shoots him with his cross-bow, but Pietro jumps in front of the arrow to save his father. Unfortunately he may have just brought about the end of the Ultimate Universe because now Magneto has gone off the deep end . . or rather pulled up a chunk of the Earth and has flown off into space . . and is ready to take it all apart. We also find out, on the very last page, that it was actually Doom that was the orchestrator of Hank's monumental #&ck up! I thought Jeph Loeb did a masterful job with this mini-series. The story was fantastic. The feel, and subject matter, was perfect for the Ultimate Universe. And it looks like this book, along with Ultimate Secrets, is going to lead directly into the March on Ultimatum story-line. Of course Joe Madureira's pencils were equally magnificent. It's hard to believe that the Ultimates have been around for what? . . about 8 years now? In that time they've had 3 different series, with a total of . . I think . . 32 books. That's really not a lot . . especially considering the time period. But . . each of those titles has brought something different to this franchise. And each title, I think, was better than it's predecessor. I'm sure everybody has their favorite Ultimate story through this time period, but, for me, it's this last mini-series. Between story and art, I thought it was near-perfect. From what I understand this March on Ultimatum story-line is going to redefine, and redesign, the Ultimate Universe. On the other side of it, hopefully, there will be another Ultimate title. I can't wait to see what that one brings us.

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