Thursday, October 09, 2008

the Brave and the Bold #17 - DC

This was a team-up that I never expected . . Supergirl and Raven? But, as Marv Wolfman so elegantly points out to us during the course of the story . . powers not withstanding, these 2 girls are a lot more alike than either of them would care to admit. They're both haunted by their past and their fathers . . and they both feel like they're constantly balancing the fence between good and evil. Raven attempts to help her regain an inner calm, through meditation, but Kara just feels like there's so much going on in her head that she can't shut it off. However if she doesn't shut it off then she feels that she may succumb to it's influence. Wanting to help her, but now knowing how, Raven decides to take her to Azarath where she's hoping that the Priests of Azarath can help teach her how to control her emotions. The problem is, back on Earth, at the same time, there's another that's feeling haunted by his father, Jonathan Mitchell. We don't find out who his father is . . his mother claims at one time that she doesn't remember, at another that he was a vile criminal, and at another that he was a hero " . . perhaps one of the greatest.". So we don't really know which story is the truth. We do know however that he's been given some type of power because of his father's connection. I don't know how accurate some of the dream sequences are, but I think it's Triumph. He had a mini-series a while back, and I think he was in Justice League Task Force for a little while. He's kind of like the Sentry over at Marvel. He was a hero a long time ago, but then he disappeared and was forgotten. And then he returned. But we haven't really heard anything about him since his JLTF appearances. Also I'm not sure how his genetics could have such an adverse affect on Jonathan. Phil Winslade does the art on this series. I like his stuff, but his participation kind of worries me. The last couple of times he's popped up in the DC Universe has been right at the end of a series. He's a good artist. He kind of has a Neal Adams type feel to his stuff. I just kind of feel that he's like the Black Racer of the artistic community. If you see his stuff . . then you know the series is over. I really don't think that's the case here . . but it has happened a lot. Anyways, this is just a 2 issue story-arc so everything will come to a head, and hopefully a conclusion next issue. Overall I thought it was a good issue.

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