Monday, September 01, 2008

Genext #4 - Marvel

I really like the feel of this book. It's a shame that's it's only going to be around for 1 more issue. It was interesting to see this possible future of the X-Men and their progeny. Of course Chris Claremont does a fantastic job of getting us acquainted with these new characters. We get a lot more interaction this issue because they've gone off on a mission of sorts to find their friend No-name. I really think she needs a better code-name than that. But, I guess it's her choice. I like the way that we learn about these characters through the way that they react to the current situation. Chris really has a way of making us feel at home with these kids, even though we've really only known them for about 4 months. But that's Chris' strength. I'm also really getting to like Patrick Scherberger's artwork. It kind of has a pop style to it, but he's also very good with his framing and sequences. Everything flows very nice. At the end of the issue, we finally get to see what the 'old' X-Men look like. We see Scott, Bobby, Warren and Hank. But, I think they're all under the control of this Black Marvel, Janine Grey. They literally come in right at the end, so we don't really know what exactly is going on with them yet. Cliffhanger endings . . another Chris Claremont trademark. The problem with this story though, is that it's really only 1 possible future. So, Marvel can't really pursue it because it would lock them into a path that they may not necessarily want to follow. You know what I mean? That's not to say that if they get enough demand they might revisit these kids sometime in the future, but . . that's all that's really in store for them . . a series of mini-series. That's to bad . . . there's really a lot of potential here. But, I'm putting the cart ahead of the horse. We still have 1 more issue left so . . anything can happen.

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