Saturday, September 13, 2008

the Amazing Spider-man #569 - Marvel

Dan Slott is putting a good effort into this book. And, I'm not sure what the problem is. I don't know if it's because of the schedule, or if it's because of the switching of writers every 3 issues . . I'm not exactly sure what it is, but the stories just don't seem the same as when the title was only coming out once a month. There's little holes . . and inconsistencies. That's the best way I can think of to explain it. Like last issue . . when Peter made a comment about MJ. It was something that he shouldn't know anymore. And there's other things too. Ok . . I know . . it's a comic book. By definition . . it's a stretch of the imagination. But, this is more than that. In comics there's always going to be the leap in logic that leaves you sitting back in confusion and asking yourself . ."Huh?" But they should be few and far between. I kind of feel like these first 12 or 15 issues were more about the introduction of new characters, both antagonists and protagonists, than necessarily about the story. I mean think about it. In the last 6 or so months we really haven't made any headway in Peters life, or with his problems. However, while I'm saying this, I realize that now we're onto a new story-arc. It's a story that seems to involve more of Peter's life . . and problems. And, with John Romita Jr. doing the pencils . . the book has a feel that it's had before . . nostalgia, if you will. Now don't get me wrong . . I love this book . . and I love this character. I just don't think the book is at the level that it's been at in the past. Oh yeah, and most of this particular issue revolved around Venom, Eddie Brock and another new character . . . Anti-Venom. Really . . you have to see it to believe it. All I'm asking is, "Please! Get this book back on track." Please quit trying to do the quick stories that have no substance.

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