Sunday, September 07, 2008

Casey Blue: Beyond Tomorrow #4 - WildStorm

We seem to be moving ahead pretty fast with this story-line. However, currently, there's alot being taken on faith. Some of it's not being explained very well. This is what I got out of this book . . Angela is from the future. She's come back, basically, to train Casey and get her ready for whatever's coming down the pike for her. However, in the future, we don't know what her relationship is to Casey. I'm sure that'll be some kind of twist. Also, these dreams that Casey are having . . I thought they were about some aliens or something . . they're actually also about the future. Something happens where it seems that the human race is taken over by something. The people that she's been killing appear to be 'seeded', which I think means that they're going to turn in to whatever it is she's dreaming about. So, in this time, she's kind of a pre-emptive strike. I don't think she's the only one of her kind though. The 'other side' seems to have an operative going around and killing the others like her. That's what all the murders are about around the globe . . Germany, Brazil and wherever else. What we don't know is . . what's going to happen . . how were Casey, and the others like her, prepared for this . . who are the 'seeded' and how were they 'seeded'. B Clay Moore is doing a nice job of pacing this story. I like the way were finding things out, basically, as Casey is. I also really like Carlo Barberi's art, and the feel that it gives this book. "I gotta say . . this leotard you gave me doesn't hide much, but it's easy to move in." Meoww!

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