Sunday, September 28, 2008

Batman Strikes #49 - DC

This issue was basically a prop to show us how hard it is for anyone, no matter what age, to balance this crazy life that these costumed adventurers lead. Dick has all the responsibility in the world . . both for his school life and his extra-curricular one . . but unfortunately, despite the will, the body only has so much energy and stamina. Everybody needs sleep, and everybody needs down time. However, Dick's at the age, in this series, that he thinks he can do it all. He hasn't experienced, or realized, all the limitations that are imposed on him . . both by others, and inherent in our nature. He has a hard time accepting that he can't keep going 24/7, and he's frustrated that he can't be everywhere he needs to be. However, I think, he's smart enough that his common sense will prevail. He has a 'team' now to rely on. Well . . more of a family, really. So he doesn't have to do everything himself, and . . when he needs to rest, he can. Of course he has awful big shoes to fill and he's really trying to do just that. I think this issue had a great lesson for the kids reading it. I just hope that this one doesn't go the way of the rest of the Johnny DC books.

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