Sunday, September 28, 2008

House of Mystery #5 - Vertigo

Unfortunately . . this story didn't do much for me. I'm usually so upbeat . . I love this medium . . but this time, I thought it fell kind of flat. Matthew Sturges is the storyteller. He did a decent job. I just didn't really like the resolution of the whole thing. We've spent the last 5 issues getting to know this character, Fig, only to have her denounced at the end because, " . . the house doesn't like where I'm at right now. It doesn't want me this way." There's also something about conception during this whole thing but I'm not really sure where the analogy is going with that. I thought about it, but . . I just can't quite fit it all together. Anyways we get the rest of Fig's story this issue . . the occurrences that happened throughout her life . . and how it all led to her coming to the House of Mystery. Her house. The house that she drew . . and saw . . for years. But now she's made the house angry and it wants her to leave. The only way the conception idea seems relevant is if the house is like a parent dismissing their child. They've raised the child to be a certain way, but now that she's grown she's something different . . something they don't like. So it dismiss' her. That's really the only connection I can draw. Anyways, I do like Luca Rossi's art. I also liked Sean Murphy's art from the story in the middle. Although, the story itself was completely lame. But then Jordan said he was no story-teller. He really wasn't stretching the truth. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens in the new story next month.

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