Sunday, September 07, 2008

the Flash #243 - DC

This issue, finally, after 13 issues . . we finally start to get some answers to the afflictions that are plaguing Jai and Iris. Or course it takes the apes of Gorilla City, and Dmeme in particular . . the court physician . . to come up with an answer. Linda tries to explain to him that they've been using extremely advanced alien technology to monitor and help the kids, but Dmeme replies, "Gorilla City has had 'highly advanced alien technology' longer than you've had automobiles. 'No offense'. "All of this takes place after Grodd almost tricks Wally into beating up the apes that are actually trying to help him. Grodd tricks him into believing that the ape he's punching is him, when actually it's Nzame. Since he's considered sacred, if Wally had harmed him there would have been nothing any of the other apes would've done for him . . no matter how much his daughter and son were hurting. But, he's taking things a little slower and trying to think them through, rather than just reacting blindly and irrationally. It's with this focused reserve that he's able to gain the other apes help. That's when Dmeme makes the discovery that the kids problem doesn't lie with their DNA. This gets Wally thinking. He tests a theory, and finds out that it's the Speed Force that's causing the problem. There's a part of the Speed Force that's something like it's death-force. While riding through the Speed Force, he can see it in the kids. So, in order to cure them, he has to draw that aspect out of them and into himself. He just hopes that he survives the trip. As it turns out, all 3 of them come out the other side relatively unscathed. The kids are back to their normal age, sort of . . around 10 or 12 I think . . but we don't really know yet what the effects of all of this will be on Wally. Right now he seems ok. But you never know what'll happen in the future. Anyways, Tom Peyer and Freddie Williams II have finally wrapped up this story-line so the new creative team of Alan Burnett and Paco Diaz can take over next issue. So far, I think, it's been a pretty cool ride. It'll be interesting to see where a new creative force takes all of these characters. And, we still don't know what the repercussions are of Wally seeing Barry over in Final Crisis. Interesting!

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