Thursday, April 23, 2009

the War that Time Forgot #12 - DC

This issue finally wraps up this story-line. I've been a little hard on this book. I really have no ill-will towards Bruce Jones or Al Barrionuevo . . whom finally makes it back this issue. My beef is with the whole book overall. And my biggest concern is this 12 issue format. I know some stories need that amount of space to convey their message, but . . there's also stories that don't. And I think this was one of them. In the stories that don't necessarily need that amount of space, you get a lot of filler in the middle. Unfortunately, I think that's kind of what happened on this book. This story was interesting. It was unique. However, due to it being stretched out . . the reader kind of lost interest towards the end. At least I did. To look back on it, as a whole, and summarize it . . it actually has a lot of neat ideas. However, as you go issue by issue . . some of those are buried under the sheer weight of the project. I loved the covers, and for the most part I loved Al's work. It was a neat idea to perform a kind of social experiment to see if it was possible to change the future. The idea that plucking key people out of specific battles could change the overall violent nature of a species, was . . inspired. And in the end . . it works. The future is saved. I don't know. Like I said . . it was . . ok. Maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. In the end, everyone is returned to their proper time, and . . Carson and Akisha go back to the future. I would imagine their romance will blossom further there. If you're interested, I'm sure there will be a TPB out soon.

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