Monday, April 20, 2009

the Amazing Spider-man #591 - Marvel

I liked this book. Of course, I like it everytime the FF team-up with Spider-man. They have a fantastic relationship. Especially the way Johnny and Peter act together. It's hilarious. Personally, I think it's even better than Johnny and Ben's camaraderie. However, with this story-line, it's a bit tainted because of Johnny's intense frustration. Shortly after landing in the macro-verse, Reed discovers some statues that were erected in their honor. A couple of problems arise. First of all, the statues are hundreds of years old, even though their last visit here was only 2 years ago. Secondly, Spider-man's statue doesn't have a mask. Which means on their original visit they knew his identity. However now . . now they don't? It's enough to drive Johnny mad. Anyways, they get that whole thing resolved, but the thing that bothers me is how does Peter know why people don't know his identity? I thought Mephisto erased his memories also. Otherwise, he'd been driven crazy by what he gave up with Mary Jane and Aunt May. "It's kind of like a psychic blindspot. Even if there's a stack of evidence pointing to who I really am . . your mind won't let you connect the dots." And then, after Peter airs the usual objections about family and friends, Reed suggests, "What if we had psychic blindspots too? Let me take some readings. I'll duplicate your firewalls, then we could share your secret, too." So, I'm confused about that whole aspect of the story. I mean, how is Reed going to duplicate something that Mephisto did? It all just seems a little 'out of whack' for me. Essentially, that's really what this whole story-line was all about. Yes there was a trip to the macro-verse, but . . really, that whole problem was wrapped up pretty fast and rather tidily. The less said about that the better. But, during the 2 hours that they spent there they lost about 6 weeks of time back on Earth. So, all the story-lines have been moved forward about 6 weeks. Harry has begun, and is now 6 weeks into rehab . . thanks to Carlie. Jonah has tried to win his wife back, to no avail. We think it's for his bid to buy back the Bugle, but actually . . he's won the new election and is now Mayor of New York. Norah has begun a relationship with Robbie's son Randy. And Aunt May has begun a relationship with Jonah's father. Oh, and Mr Bennett is on the verge of losing the DB. All in all I thought it was an interesting issue. However, I don't think Dan Slott properly addressed this whole Brand New Day connection. I don't think Mephisto's involvement can be explained away that easily. It just doesn't feel write. We had a couple of different pencillers this issue. Barry Kitson, Jesse Delpergang and Dale Eaglesham all contributed on this issue. I thought Dale's work looked especially good. Upon his return, Peter is really blown away by what he finds out about Jonah. Wait until he finds out about Aunt May.

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