Friday, April 17, 2009

Echo #10 & #11 - Abstract Studios

Somehow I missed issue #10. That's part of the problem with being behind on these books. I usually have a week or two sitting there ready to ready, 3 or 4 when I took my vacation, but sometimes I don't realize I missed something until the next issue comes out. I can't really explain how I missed this one. My guy doesn't sell that may copies, so . . I don't think he would've run out. Well, either way, I had to go and pick up #10 before I could read #11. What a pain. Anyways, now that we've gotten to know Julie and Dillon a little better, now . . now we can start getting to the heart of the matter . . the Beta suit. We still don't know for sure what it is, but . . HenRi would really like to get it back, and they've hired Ivy to accomplish just that for them. Ivy is a hard-ass, but . . she doesn't seem all bad. When she comes across the carnage at the hotel that Julie and Dillon were staying at, she's genuinely affected. She even goes to HenRi for an explanation as to just exactly what it is they're after. She says that she can't just keep going after it blindly, not really knowing what she's after, and putting all the innocents and civilian lives around them in jeopardy. Once she learns the truth, and the destructive capabilities of the suit, she goes to Julie's sisters, Amy, and gives Julie a call. She's not really threatening Julie, but she is letting her know that if she could find Amy . . so could others. They're out in the middle of the desert having this conversation when that guy . . the one with the same alloy around his hand, comes walking down the road. Issue #10 ends with Ivy hearing some kind of crackling as the phone goes dead. We begin issue #11 by seeing that Julie has blasted a crater in the road trying to get them away from this guy. I mean, we're talking a crater probably twice the size of the road, and twice as deep. Which has Dillon royally freaked. An innocent comes by, and as he's looking into the crater the guy reaches up and grabs his leg . . he seems to have drained the life essence out of him. Anyways, as Dillon is yelling at Julie he grabs her arms. I'm not sure if it's his threatening posture, or the tone of his voice, but the suit sees it as a threat and begins to do the same to him. We also find out that Julie, or maybe the suit, still has some type of connection to Annie. Maybe it's the way that it molecularly bonds to the body . . it absorbs some of their essence, but it seems as if Annie is talking to Dillon through her. When Dillon is knocked out, it appears that he's having a dream about Annie and she's trying to give him some answers. However, the other guy takes the passerby's car and has caught up to them. The issue ends looking like this time he's going to take Julie out. I'm not sure if he's just trying to stop her, or if somehow he's trying to absorb to suit into himself. We don't really know what his motivations are right now. He just appears to be a nut. Either way, things are heating up quite a bit right now. This book is really getting exciting. We still have a lot to sort out, but . . it really seems like we're starting to get into the thick of things now. I think Terry Moore is doing a fantastic job here. I'm really enjoying this book, and I can't wait for more.

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