Thursday, April 23, 2009

Avengers: Initiative #23 - Marvel

Well . . it's nothing but bad news for the Initiative right now. First Ragnarok broke out and created mayhem in Stamford. The city that was once almost destroyed by the New Warriors, now has almost been destroyed again by a secret that it's current protectors were keeping from it . . well, from everyone really. At the same time the new New Warriors show up. But they're not really here to fight Ragnarok, even though they do help. No, they're here to expose the Initiative's other secret, that Michael Van Patrick, MVP, was killed in a training accident and they've been using his body for experiments and cloning. Justice is more than happy to tell that to the press, and anyone else willing to listen. One of which is Norman Osborne. He quickly flies in and takes control. He doesn't shut down the Initiative . . if anything he's redoubling their efforts. He vows that all 50 states will have some form of protection. "There will be someone watching over you. Sooner than you imagine." Which sounds rather ominous. But he has decided . . "What will never happen again is something like this. No Initiative headquarters, training or research facility should be located in or near a major population center. Ladies and gentlemen, as of this moment . . Camp Hammond is closed forever." It appears that all of this happens before he goes on TV to announce his new Avengers. As he's flying off, the citizens of Stamford come streaming in to destroy the base . . by hand, if they have to. We also catch up on our Shadow Initiative this issue. Our team has come face-to-face with Hardball and Scorpion in Madripoor. Hardball quickly takes down Komodo with 'spin-tech' . . Super-Power-Inhibiting-Nanobots. This is something that nobody knew that HYDRA figured out, so now . . now the teams mission has changed. They all escape, except for Komodo who's been captured, but as they're trying to figure out there next step they hear the news that SHIELD has been dissolved. So now, besides everything else that has gone wrong . . they don't know how they're going to get home. "What part of expendable didn't you understand?" I think Christos Gage and Humberto Ramos are doing a fantastic job with this book. This has actually been one of my favorite Avengers books, during it's entire run, but now . . now I think it's as strong or stronger than ever. Which is kind of a shame . . since it's supposed to be nearing it's end. However, they've recently posted the previews for issue #26. So who knows. I hope it sticks around. We'll see.

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