Sunday, April 19, 2009

Green Lantern Corps #35 - DC

These are 2 fantastic covers on this book. The one on the right is by Patrick Gleason, who also does the interiors. The one on the lower left is by Nei Ruffino. I'm not sure who he is, but . . this is an awesome cover. With each issue of Green Lantern, and Green Lantern Corps, we're getting closer and closer to Blackest Night. I think with Scar coaxing the Guardians to venture into the Vega system themselves, at the end of Green Lantern #39, all the various players of this cosmic opera may be in place now. This issue takes place mostly on OA. With the recent arrival of the Red Lantern, everything is being thrown into turmoil. The guard, Voz, is having a bit of trouble with him, and it's getting all the Sinestro Corps members, which are also locked up, all riled up. Because of this, somehow, all the Sinestro Corps rings that have been gathered up and put on lock-down . . they've somehow broken out. So now, at the sci-cells . . it's basically an all out war. All the GL Corps members that were on planet are there trying to stop a mass-outbreak. Meanwhile Arisia and Sodam Yat have gone back to his home planet of Daxam to see just what's going on with Mongul. The planet itself is in turmoil, between the recent conflict between Mongul and Arkillo, and the rest of the Sinestro Corps trying to round up all of the rest of the Daxamites . . but Mongul still has it heavily guarded. Arisia and Sodam have to sneak onto the planet. Meanwhile, Soranik has gone back to Korugar the try to settle the unrest there. They're upset because Sinestro was supposed to be executed, but . . he escaped when they had the encounter with the Red Lantern. Now everyone on the planet it is a panic. But Soranik isn't there very long when she come face to face with Sinestro. "Hello Soranik. I want to have a little heart-to-heart between a father and his daughter." I kind of suspected this, but . . I didn't really know for sure. You know, between all these aliens and planets and stuff . . my spell-check really hates this entry every month. Anyways, this is a fantastic book. I think Peter J Tomasi and Patrick are doing an incredible job here. The stories are great and the art is perfect. And like I said . . we're just getting closer and closer with every issue. The anticipation is palpable.

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