Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ultimate Spider-man #113 - Marvel

I'm sure everybody was worried when they found out that Mark Bagley was leaving this series. Well . . maybe not so much worried as, concerned about the future of this book. I mean let's face it, I'm not trying to talk bad about Mark, but . . Stuart Immonen is the better artist. But, after 110 issues of uniformity, it was a little concerning about what might happen to the continuity of one of the best Spider-man books out there. What if Brian and Stuart didn't mesh as well as Brian and Mark did? Also, this book has come out on such a consistent basis, during that whole run, what if Stuart's excellent pencils, and obviously the work he has to do to achieve them, causes the arrival times of the book to suffer? Well . . . that one's just speculation, so we can't really address that much. But as far as the melding of the styles of Brian and Stuart? So far . . I have to say . . . it's pretty damn good. Yes it's different than the original 110 issues. But . . . so what. We have those . . they're in our memories and our collections . . so now lets move on and see if this book can get even better. I mean, after all, Brian is still writing it. So it's not going to change that much. I'm sure he and Mark bounced ideas and storylines off each other. Well now, Brian has somebody new to bounce ideas off of. And who knows, maybe they'll come up with even better ones. Right now we're in the middle of a Norman Osborne storyline. So much so, that we don't even see Peter until the last page of this issue. In the first part of his plan, Norman is trying to take down Nick Fury and SHIELD. But he hasn't forgotten about the little teenage thorn in his side. He seems more lucid in this story, but . . those are his inner thoughts. What's going on on the outside, looks like a rampage. And we all know that the insanity comes from trying to connect the two. Which, face it, Norman hasn't been an over-achiever at. So we'll have to wait to see his ultimate plan come to fruition. And what exactly that holds in store for our young Mr. Parker. So yes I still love the book. And yes I still think it's as good as ever. Which was pretty damn good!

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