Monday, September 17, 2007

52 Aftermath - the Four Horsemen #1 - DC

This one I think is going to prove to be an interesting series. First of all it's by Keith Giffen and Pat Olliffe. It actually has a whole lot of cool ideas going on. But really this issue is just the introduction, so none of them are being expanded on to much. This picks up straight from World War III. You know, where Black Adam went nuts and pretty much wiped out the nation of Biayla. In the process of doing that, he also took out the Four Horsemen that were created on Oolong Island. But they really shouldn't have been that easy to defeat. So . . cue the drum roll . . they really aren't gone. With their manufactured bodies destroyed, their essences have begun to look for new homes. And, as they say "when in Rome . .", so they're taking up human form. Hunger has taken over a man that works for Bruce actually. War is moving into a Biaylan native. Someone that's actually trying to do the right thing for his country, but now he's going to do so through avarice. Pestilence is moving in to a doctor. He's a volunteer who has come to Biayla to get some creds for his resume. He really doesn't care about the people or the situation. And finally Death has inhabited one of the millions of bodies that are lying around ripe . . pun intended . . for the picking. Somehow Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are going to battle and defeat these guys. But it'll be really something to see how they intend to pull that off. Also, I think, they're going to get some help from Veronica Cale. She's in charge of Oolong Island. Since she played no small part in orchestrating these events, I think she's looking for a little redemption. At least that's what she's telling Wonder Woman. All in all this book houses some cool ideas, and I'm really interested to see what the changes or effects this storyline is going to have. Right now? I really have no clue.

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