Saturday, September 08, 2007

Hellblazer #235 - Vertigo

This issue is part 2 of the JoyRide story-line. First off, I'd like to say . . . please take a look at that Lee Bermejo cover. Is that a piece of art or what? That is really fantastic! Now about the book itself . . . it couldn't be in better hands. Andy Diggle is writing it, and Leonardo Manco is the artist. Andy's stuff, especially of late, has been . . genius. He's doing a fantastic job over on Green Arrow Year 1. And even though he's just getting started here, he looks to be bringing his same genius, and accounting of detail, to this series. I can't wait to see the things he's going to do with this character. Also, Leonardo's artwork . . . is easily some of his best work to date. I don't know if it's Andy bringing new life in to this book, or maybe there's just a better working relationship between Andy and Leonardo . . . but the proof is in the pudding. He definitely looks like he's putting more effort and time in to his work. That . . or he's just having a blast. Either way . . I love it. This issue Constantine finds a Lodestone in Haine's apartment. "A Lodestone's a kind of psychic beacon. Like a navigation buoy for astral entities. A GPS system for souls. Someone hid this one on the Hunger Hill housing estate. Haine found it. And they killed him for it." But, when he goes to use it, he finds out it's booby-trapped. He ends up in a small, empty, pocket dimension. He gets out of it, but it drops him in front of a moving train. Only one thing runs through his head, " . . this . . means . . WAR!" So even though the first 2 parts of this story were good . . . I think it's just going to get amped up from here. Constantine's back . . and he's chewing gum and taking names. Well . . smoking . . but you know what I mean.

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