Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ex-Machina Masquerade Special Oct '07 - WildStorm

This is a fantastic book. Brian K Vaughn has created a masterpiece with this series. This issue we have John Paul Leon as the penciller. And that's ok, because his style fits in very well with this book. Like most of his stories, this is like a flashback. This one goes back to around Halloween of 2003. Mayor Hundred is trying to figure out how to stop the KKK from having a rally. He wants to use New York's anti-mask laws, but he's afraid that in doing so, they will paint him as a hypocrite because of his previous heroing activities. Which, in remembrance, takes him back even farther to Halloween of 1999. It was shortly after he got his powers, from the explosion. And he didn't really know how they worked yet. He gets out of the hospital, and on his way home he stops by a convenient store. Unfortunately for him, it gets robbed while he's in there, and they steal his pocket-watch. He's very sentimental about it because he inherited it from his grand-mother. It's also when he first enlists Bradbury and Kremlin in to his cause. He's vexed because he wants his watch back, and he can hear it calling out to him. He finds it, and the people that stole it. And he ends up acting heroically, probably for the first time in his life . . . and he likes it. Which helps him make his decision about the KKK. He decides to let them have a rally, he'll just host a bigger one on the opposite side of the Island. He then explains to Wylie that people who believe in something have one of 2 choices. Either they let the world know their beliefs, while at the same time letting them know who they are and why they believe that way. Such as Martin Luthor King. Or they hide behind masks because they feel that their belief is unpopular, or it makes them look incompetent. Or just because, that way they can spout their beliefs without having to be held accountable for them. No one knows who they are. "Anonymity is the fastest, most efficient way to let the rest of us know that you and your beliefs are worthless" Fantastic story.

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