Saturday, September 29, 2007

Metal Men #2 - DC

Ok, I have to admit, the first issue was a little confusing. The story was kind of bouncing all over the place. It was interesting. But a bit confusing. I kind of thought I got the gist of what was going on, but there really wasn't enough information for me to come to a conclusion. However, after reading this issue, I think I have a better handle on things. It seems that the Dr. Magnus from the future is trying to figure out where he went wrong with his Metal Men. We don't really even know that anything did go wrong, just for some reason he no longer revers his creations. If anything, now, he seems to loath them. But we haven't got to whatever event caused that reaction yet. Right now we're basically watching videos, with Will, of previous things that have happened. He seems to be trying to put something together. But, at the end of this issue, we find out that his mentor TOMorrow has put together his own squad of metal creations. He calls his The Death Metal Men. They include Uranium, Strontium, Thorium and Radium. And he seems to have put himself at direct odds with our elusive Dr. Magnus. I always love seeing the Metal Men in action. And Duncan Rouleau's artistic renderings of them lead to his own unique style. But essentially, they're the same. At first I thought he was putting together a time travel story, but I don't think that's it. I think he's just watching the past, to try to learn from it. Either some thing's gone wrong with his creations, or somebody has whored off of his ideas to satisfy their own ends. Either way it's a very imaginative and unique tale. And we still have 6 issues to go.

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