Sunday, May 06, 2007

100 Bullets #82 - Vertigo

The thing that I really like about this book is that there's so many twists and turns, that you don't really know what's going on, or who's on who's side until the very end. Take the beginning of this particular issue. Ronnie has gone to Italy to buy a rare painting. But then, Echo, the girl he's buying it from, seems to double cross him and take off with the painting and his money. He thinks that she gave it to this other guy, Claudio, so he chases him down. Turns out, they're both after the same thing, and Claudio claims that Echo double crossed him also. Echo actually seems on the up and up, but she also seems to be trying pretty hard to seduce Ronnie. So, she's obviously up to something. But, she does still have his money and is offering to give it back to him. Meanwhile, Claudio, who actually does have the painting, is buying it for some Japanese buyers and is having a meet with them at the Coliseum. Ronnie goes, ends up with the painting, but it appears that the Japanese buyers have killed Claudio, and are willing to do the same to Ronnie to get the picture. That's where the issue ends, with him on the ground and all guns pointed at him. We're also getting some background story on Shepherd. For some reason we're going all the way back to his youth, when Agent Graves was following him for a murder that he was sure that he committed. I don't know what the gist of this whole flashback thing is yet, but it's interesting. Another fantastic story by Brian Azzarello, with art by Eduardo Risso. This book was fantastic when it first came out, and it's come a long way since then. I really wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of movie adaptation of this someday. There's a lot of material to work with.

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