Sunday, May 06, 2007

Catwoman #65 - DC

This issue picks up where the last left off. Catwoman has been sent to retrieve a Snow-globe from Luthor. It's her deal with the Calculator, for which, in exchange, he'll wipe all records of Holly's existence from the Police computers for her. But of course, when dealing with Luthor, nothing is ever as it seems. She get the globe, but then she's confronted by Luthor. Or a very powerful robot that looks like Luthor. Not what she was expecting. She ends up battling it, at least to the best of her abilities, and in the process comes across all kinds of other tech that Luthor has in storage. The oddest one is a device that " . . . sends you 4 minutes in to past, and and 2 dozen yards to the east. Unfortunately the effect only lasts for 12 seconds." Through some persistence and luck she ends up taking the robot down. But, in it's final stratagem, it's decided to blow itself up and take her down that way. But being the intuitive person that she is, she used the device to bounce away from the explosion for 12 seconds. Long enough to avoid the blast. On her way out she has a brief run-in with Superman, she is in Metropolis after all, but he just tells her to leave his city. She calls the Calculator to let him know she's on her way with the object, but then she's confronted by someone else who says that it is his. More on this next issue. I really enjoy Will Pfeifer's stories. He really has a good grasp on these characters. David Lopez, on pencils, also seems to be improving. He's not really my style of artist, but he does seem to capture the mood of this book. So I have to get him credit for that. And since this seems to be one of the only books in the DC line-up with a regular creative team, it's also nice to open the book and know what to expect. Like it or not . . . it is consistent. And of course the Adam Hughes covers are magnificent.

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