Saturday, May 26, 2007

Grifter / Midnighter #2 - Wildstorm

Our story starts to heat up a little bit this issue. It seems as if Grifter and the MidNighter, although they fight on the same side, the side of the angels, have been co-opted by their organizations, to be on opposite sides of the current op. Grifter is supposed to kill this prince, and MidNighter is supposed to protect him. Since both sides probably knew who was going to be working for the other, you have to think that they were hoping that the two would eliminate each other. Well . . . that's not how it worked out. Mainly because the prince turned out to be some kind of shape-shifter. And somehow this all plays in to the vision that the MidNighter has been having. It turns out that this shape-shifter is holding the real prince captive, and took his place as an indulgence of sorts. I really think he did it to get Grifter and the MidNighter on board for whatever his real purpose is. I say he, but we don't really know if the shape-shifter is a he or a she. But anyways, Grifter is ready to take off and go after the real prince, the mission he was hired for, but before he can do so the 3 of them are attacked by some kind of aliens. I really like the way Chuck Dixon just gives us bits and pieces of information as the story unfolds. I don't like to be spoon fed stuff. And Chuck definitely doesn't do that. He'll start to wrap it up for us in issue 5 or 6, but in the meantime, we kind of have to figure it out for ourselves, and come up with our own assumptions. Just the way I like it. I also enjoyed Ryan Benjamin's pencils on this issue. He does the cover also, which is incredible. Overall a nice book, and it should play out to be quite a yarn by the time all is said and done.

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