Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman #19 - Marvel

We finally wrap up our SandMan story this issue. SandMan and Spider-man are trying to prove that Sandy's father is innocent of killing Uncle Ben. Peter recently came in to possession of one of the Spider-helmets from Spider-man 2211. It's a long story, so I don't really want to explain it all here. Suffice it to say, that since the Corps members are all descendants of Peter's, the helmet bonded with him automatically and is following all of his instructions. The thing they're trying to do now is find this person that's posing as Uncle Ben. He ends up being at Peter's school, and he ends up being Roger the Principal. Actually, since there's a Spider-man in the future, and a HobGoblin, it turns out that there's also a Chameleon. And he knocked off the principal months ago, so that he could pose as him and keep an eye on Peter. Earlier the helmet asked Peter how he wanted to punish the person when they found him, and Peter replied "poetic justice". So the helmet lands on the Chameleon's head, and just as SandMan's father is to be electrocuted, the helmet decides to serve justice, and swaps the Chameleon with Floyd Baker, SandMan's dad. Meanwhile, our nurse Arrow has been following Betty and Flash. My guess is that she's jealous because she doesn't understand the relationship that these 2 share. So she's been tormenting Betty, making her think that she's going crazy. She also is in the Principal's office shortly before Peter and SandMan get there. Peter asks the helmet how many life-forms are in the room, and it replies "eleven thousand two hundred and five". Like I said we're getting bits and pieces of info about her each issue. But I have a feeling that things are going to come to a head pretty soon. This is a nice book by Peter David and Todd Nauck.