Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Welcome to Tranquility #5 - Wildstorm

We get closer this issue to finding out who actually killed Mr. Articulate. For a while this issue, we're led to believe that is was the Mayor. But I think he's just protecting somebody. But I think it's actually this Sgt. Cragg that we see in the beginning of this book, in a flashback to one of his war-comics from the WWII. He's also one of Dr. Hate's bitter enemies, and has stolen his hate-bomb from him. The Sheriff is also dealing with the teen-heroes, I guess they'd be vigilantes now, trying to get in to the hospital to see Ajita. The Deputy though puts up a heck of a fight. One other thing, the reporter that had her cameraman killed, has discovered the towns secret, there's something in the water that keeps all the inhabitants young looking. Also, when it looks like all is lost, Dr. Hate tells the old geezer the magic word that turns him into his young super-hero self. So now the sheriff has some power to stop the Mayor and this Sgt. Cragg. Like I've said before, this book really has a feel to it like that show "Eureka", over on the Sci-Fi channel. Except . . . you know . . . the super-hero thing. But I definitely want to give props to Gail Simone and Neil Googe, who are both doing a fantastic job with this series.

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