Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ghost Rider Annual #1 - Marvel

It seems like the purpose of this issue was to introduce another variable in to the conflict that's going on between the Ghost Rider and Lucifer. The story was written by Stuart Moore. It was ok. I just thought it lacked a little of the personal interactions that can make a book great. It was pretty straight forward, in that it chronicled a conflict between our two antagonists. But then it also introduced Mister Eleven. Which I believe refers to him being the eleventh disciple? But I could be wrong. It's never really fully explained other than showing us a flashback of him being around during the crucifixion. The artist, pencils and tones . . . which is a fancy way of saying that he inked his own stuff . . . was by Ben Oliver. While I did like the art, I thought that he was trying to hard to make it look like the Mark Texiera / Salvador Larocca stuff. It kind of has that same feel to it, but, not nearly as good. Personally, I think I would've rather have seen something different, than something trying to mimic and fail. But that's just my opinion. Like I said it was decent, but kind of distracting in that I was comparing a lot. Anyways, this Mister Eleven is some kind of angel / demon that rides the fence in the war between the two realities. In his long history, he's been an agent and a spy for both. He puts himself between them to try to garner the Rider's confidence. But, I'm not really sure why. But after Lucifer is dispatched, he asks the Rider to show him his true face. But of course he's worn so many masks through the years, that that's really impossible. He shows up as demon, and angel. Johnny thinks him dead, but really he's just transferred his essence in to a bird and flown away. And for some reason it seems as if Johnny's gained a new enemy here. As the birds flying away, he's thinking "You'll see me again Johnny. When the skies crack open . . . the masks fall away . . . and all hell rains down like fire upon the Earth. And on that day . . . that terrible, terrible day . . . may heaven help you." Like I said, I'm not quite sure what that was all about, but I am sure that we haven't seen the last of this guy.

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