Thursday, November 29, 2007

100 Bullets #86 - Vertigo

Ok, I apologize. I feel like all I'm doing is complaining about books this afternoon. My bad! Actually, the problem is, this is one of my favorite books. It has been for a long time. I think Brian Azzarello is a genius, and a fantastic storyteller. I also think that Eduardo Risso is a hugely underrated talent. His artwork may not be as flashy, or pop at you, like some, but the details in his work . . . the expressions on his characters faces . . . the way he uses shadows and color to tell a story . . . there's just no one better out there. Also, the angles that he uses for perspective . . . the guys truly one of the best there is. Now, unfortunately, my complaint. Brian's stories tend to be long drawn out epics. I don't think he's had a story line in the series that run for less than four issues. Also, sometimes, even when you think you're done with a story, you find out that it was just actually a small piece of a much larger event. Plus, on top of that, when you look back over the previous 86 issues, you'll find that in some way or another, they're all connected. Everything is a piece of this huge puzzle. Everything has a reason, and everything has it's place. The only problem is, sometimes, as is the case this issue, there's chapters that fall in between events. They seem random, and maybe even senseless, but eventually they serve a purpose. However, in the moment, as when I read this one, I feel like I read the middle of a chapter. I'm not sure how it started. I'm not sure what's going to happen afterwards. All I know is we're given a piece of the puzzle, with no idea what the overall picture looks like. So we just have to remember this issue, and in the future try to realize how what happened here will affect something down the road. Confusing? You better believe it. I don't like the book any less. I just sometimes question the in-between chapters. The overall story sustains me, but sometimes I have to count on the art to get me through some of the less obvious issues.

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