Sunday, November 18, 2007

52 Aftermath - the Four Horsemen #3 - DC

We start out this cover with this beautiful Ethan Van Sciver version of Wonder Woman. Hubba-hubba! Even if she is covered with locusts. Anyways, our dynamic trio are still in Bialya trying to figure out what to do about the Horsemen. They're trying to figure out a way to get rid of them, without attacking them directly. It's bad enough that they're camped out in this country, but they don't want to give them the chance to move beyond it's borders. They've also formed a temporary alliance with Dr. Cale, back on Oolong island. Since they were the ones that brought them here, they may also be the only hope of getting rid of them. Any technology that can is found, or can be salvaged, is being taken there for analysis. Most of it's Apololyptan, so they might be able to use or salvage parts. Mr. Terrific is also there helping Dr. Cale. Snapper Carr also shows up this issue. He is also in Bialya, and has been working with CheckMate the last couple of years to spy on the super-heroes. Our trio isn't to happy about that, but, he does have good intel. It appears by the end of this issue, that the Horsemen have re-assembled themselves enough to have some mobility. And it appears that their first target is Oolong island. Wonder Woman flies through a dust cloud only to find herself instantly transported to the island. But when she looks behind her, she's being followed by an army of undead. Keith Giffen writes this story, with Pat Olliffe doing the pencils. Overall I though it was a decent book. My only problem with it is that I think there's really only one way out of this mess. They somehow have to send the Horsemen back to Apokolips. I mean, I can't imagine that they can be killed. And if they somehow dis-assemble them, well obviously they can reverse that outcome. So the only solution is going to be to get them off planet. And the logical choice there, is to send them back where they came from. So, to me, it appears as if there's only one solution. The question is, how are they going to reach that conclusion?

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